Prayer & Care

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Prayer & Care Team

Prayer is our privilege and responsibility as believers. It is our great privilege to pray as believers because, although we are still sinners, the Lord Jesus Christ has given us free access to the Father. It is our responsibility because we live in a hurting world full of pain and heartache, hunger and poverty, violence and war, illness and death. We live in a world of people with real needs – needs that, in many cases, only God can solve fully. Therefore, it is our responsibility to lift these needs up before a merciful and mighty God Who stands ready to answer the prayers of the Christians according to His gracious will. All programs and events at Midway Church are showered in prayer.

Where + When

The Prayer Room is used by people wishing to pause and partake of the Lord’s Supper any time the facilities are open. You are invited to enter and use the individual cups sealing the bread and juice. The Prayer Room is located near the southside Worship Center doors by the Starting Point Wall. Free brochures to enhance your prayer life are available in the Prayer Room.


We are blessed with dozens of Prayer Partners who are committed to praying for specific requests. Would you like to join our team? Here is what we ask:

  • Be attentive to prayer email communications.
  • Seek God’s wisdom and honor in prayer.
  • Remove all distractions that may hinder prayer.
  • Focus on any details or specifics of prayer requests.
  • Pray faithfully, knowing that God hears and answers the prayers of those that earnestly seek Him.
  • Respect the privacy of those offering personal details in their requests for prayer.
  • A.C.T.S. is a helpful model for prayer.  A.C.T.S. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Special Request).
  • Pray for others, as you would want others to pray for you.



Need Prayer?

How We Care

Joy Ministry

Engaging seasoned adults who are celebrating life for 60 and beyond years. Joy Ministry focuses on specific needs and involves adults in service throughout Midway Church.  To learn more about these activities contact 

Pastoral Care

We are passionate about offering compassion and care during all of life’s meaningful moments. We want to celebrate with you in all of the joyous times and grieve with you through the hard times. Whether it’s a birth announcement or wedding, a hospital visit or coming alongside you as you face a death in the family – we are here to help. Simply email

Life Enhancement Classes

Prayer Team Info Form

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